
Please Join us on the 28th April at the Berth function room to discuss governance of the lower Yarra and Docklands waterways. 5:45pm registration for a 6pm start. Following at 7:30pm is Docklands Chamber members and guests network function.


Speaking on the night will be:

Will Guthrie to discuss Minister Neville’s preliminary response to the Lower Yarra River –  Will Guthrie is from the Land policy part of DELWP and has been charged with the development of the Lower Yarra Future Directions Plan.

Chris Hardman to discuss Parks Victoria’s role in management and supporting the ministers direction. Chris Hardman is Parks Victoria Executive Director for Melbourne which includes local ports and waterways

Kara O’Dwyer to discuss Waterway Management and Local Port Management Reform – Kara is Project manager for the for the ports and waterways reform project for DEDJTR

Chris Chesterfield or Delegate to discuss the Yarra River Protection Act body of work –  Chris has been appointed by the State Government to oversee the Yarra River Protection Act project and to make a series of recommendations via a ministerial Advisory Committee to provide input to the future management and planning environment for the entire 242KM length of the Yarra River

Alex Edney to discuss event approval processes work – Alex is Parks Victoria senior manager in charge of events on the parks estate and bays and waterways Alex and his team will work closely with City of Melbourne on streamlining event approvals on our waterways.

Final places available by RSVP to [email protected]

Please include your interest in the Waterways as the event has a limited capacity.