Masters Reblocking Service in Melbourne
September 23, 2020 @ 7:00 pm – December 31, 2020 @ 10:00 pm

Underpinning Melbourne – offers professional residential underpinning and commercial underpinning services. Call 1800 449 365 for FREE quote !!!
Reblocking is the process of maintaining the structural integrity of your house by ensuring that your stumps are in good condition. It is the replacement of wood or timber stumps with more durable concrete stumps. It also involves resettling your floor in order to make it even. Reblocking Melbourne not only helps you in keeping your home resistant to disasters but also improves its resale value.
Why must you go for Reblocking Melbourne services?
Although spotting some major symptoms is quite uncommon and inspecting stumps is not something which everyone undertakes, there are certain things to look out for. There are many reasons and causes which you must not ignore –
Always take immediate action if you find that your floors are uneven or slanting.
If you are considering renovation of your old house, do not and never neglect the foundation as it is the supporting structure for your entire house. Just in case you find that there is lot of moisture content or if you stay in a coastal region, the need for availing Restumping Melbourne services elevates even further. If your house is very old, about more than 30 years then its natural that your stumps have become weak with time. Just in case if there was a recent draught in your area, it can cause excessive drying which can cause cracks and your stumps to move. If your house is built on fills, reactive clays or any other unstable soils, then it can cause cracks or movements in your foundation.