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Crucial Conversations Training – Melbourne

April 9 @ 10:41 pm

Crucial Conversations© take place every day, in every workplace and every home. You know those conversations where there are high stakes, real differences of opinion and strong emotions.

The difference between average and great workplace performance lies in how people handle those difficult conversations. At the heart of all workplace or family problems are conversations that are either not being handled or not being handled well.

To learn the skills of handling the tough conversation well, you may want to attend one of our Crucial Conversations training programs?

Key skills you will learn from the Training:

  • Identify the conversations that are keeping you from your desired results

  • Speak persuasively not abrasively, no matter the topic

  • Make it safe for others to share their honest opinions

  • Deal with people who either clam up or blow up

  • Gain control of your own emotional responses

  • Disagree without being disagreeable

  • Influence without exerting force

  • Improve teamwork, productivity and effectiveness

This practical and powerful two-day workshop is based upon the best-selling business book, Crucial Conversations.


April 9, 2021
10:41 pm